ASA Sailing Lessons

Becoming ASA Certified is just the beginning… with our ASA Sailing Lessons

We provide the knowledge and expertise necessary, via our ASA sailing lessons, for you to fee secure and adept during all your sailing endeavors, whether you’re renting a sailboat from a local dock, embarking on an exotic sailing holiday, or even purchasing your sailboat. 

Our sailing lessons will set you on the right pat. Once you have achieved certification, the key is to practice, practice, practice! How your sailing ability will be evaluated depends on many things; when, where, and to what level you become ASA certified, and how much you have sailed since your certification. Check out our Crew Membership program to gain the practice you need.  However, being ASA certified will be yours for life as a testament to your ability and commitment from the day your ASA instructor signs your Logbook.

ASA Lessons

learn to sail

The American Sailing Association provides standards for progressive sailing certification programs, including sailing lessons for: Basic Keelboat Sailing, Coastal Cruising, Bareboat Cruising, and Catamaran Cruising. In addition, ASA provides standards for a number of endorsements, which are intended to supplement the main certification series.  These include Docking, Weather, Celestial, and Radar.

Listed below are the summaries of the ASA’s Certifications we conduct at our St Augustine base location. The detailed standards, including pre-requisites, for each certification may be found by clicking the title, they are also published in the Official Certification Logbook.

Each certification requires participants to fully satisfy both knowledge and skills standards, which will be verified through a written exam and an on-the-water practical exam. The standards are intended to be a minimum set of requirements.

Basic Keelboat
(ASA 101)

ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Certification - Learn to Sail - St Augustine Sailing, Saint Augustine Florida

Learn to sail a boat of about 20 feet in length in light to moderate winds and sea conditions in familiar waters without supervision. No previous power, sail or navigation skill required for this basic keelboat course.

Basic Keelboat
(ASA 102)

ASA 102 Basic Keelboat text book

Able to skipper and crew aboard a sloop-rigged keelboat of approximately 20 to 30 feet in length by day in winds up to 20 knots. Depart, sail, and return with control demonstrating teamwork.

Coastal Cruising
(ASA 103)

Demonstrate the ability to skipper a sloop-rigged auxiliary powered (outboard or inboard engine) keelboat of approximately 25 to 35 feet length by day in moderate winds and sea conditions in coastal waters.

Bareboat Cruising
(ASA 104)

ASA Sailing Lessons - ASA 104 Bareboat Cruising textbook

Skipper a sloop-rigged, auxiliary powered (inboard diesel engine) keelboat of approximately 30 to 50 feet in length while cruising in coastal waters in moderate to heavy winds and sea conditions.

Coastal Navigation
(ASA 105)

Demonstrate the theory required to safely navigate a sailing vessel in coastal or inland waters. There is no sailing skills part. A practical application of this sailing knowledge is found in the Adv Coastal Cruising.

Adv Coastal Cruising
(ASA 106)

Learn to safely act as skipper of a sailing vessel about 30 to 50 feet in length in coastal and inland waters, in any conditions. Stand a watch during a passage by night and demonstrate all of the skill elements in ASA 105.

Celestial Navigation
(ASA 107)

Learn the celestial navigation theory and practices for safe navigation of a sailing vessel in offshore waters. On-water celestial navigation skills are demonstrated in ASA 108.

Offshore Passagemaking
(ASA 108)

Able to skipper a sailing vessel on extended offshore passages requiring celestial navigation. Knowledge of long-term passage planning, offshore vessel selection, sail repair, offshore first aid, watch-keeping, emergency procedures, abandon ship protocols, safety and seamanship.

Basic Small Boat
(ASA 110)

Able to skipper a non-ballasted centerboard/daggerboard monohull or multihull sailboat of approximately 8 to 20 feet in length by day in light to moderate winds (up to 15 knots) and sea conditions. 

Sailing Review Clinic (ASA 111)

Sailing Review Clinic was designed to improve and /or refresh your sailing skills and knowledge.  Students decide on goals prior to the lesson, seminars, or webinars.  Both in classroom and on the water training. 

Catamaran Cruising (ASA 114)

Learn to skipper an auxiliary-powered sailing cruising catamaran of approximately 30-45′ feet in length while cruising upon inland or coastal waterways.

Dinghy and Outboard (ASA 116)

ASA Sailing Lessons - ASA 116 dinghy and outboard textbook

Able to safely and efficiently operate a dinghy with an outboard motor, in a variety of environments, including operating from a dock, a beach, and a cruising yacht. 

Celestial Endorsement (ASA 117)

Learn to apply basic celestial navigation theory and practice to determine latitude and longitude at sea using a sextant and Nautical Almanac.

Docking Endorsement (ASA 118)

Learn basic docking skills for boats with single inboard engine. Discover the basic theory and hands-on techniques needed to dock and undock boats in an efficient manner.

Weather Endorsement (ASA 119)

ASA Sailing Lessons - ASA Weather Endorsement textbook

Able to observe and forecast weather conditions using traditional maritime skills and modern technology. 

Radar Endorsement (ASA 120)

Title ASA Sailing Lessons - ASA 120 Radar Endorsement text book

Able to properly use small-craft radar (or radar simulator) for piloting, navigation, and collision avoidance.

ASA Combo Course

ASA 101, 103

ASA 103, 104

ASA 101, 103, 104

ASA 104,114

Instructor Qualification Course

Instructor Qualification (ASA 201)

St Augustine Sailing - ASA Sailing Class - Sailing School - Northeast Florida - Become a sailor - Women on the Water - Sailing - Become a captain - Captain - Sailing lessons

Instructor Qualification (ASA 203)

St Augustine Sailing - ASA Sailing Class - Sailing School - Northeast Florida - Become a sailor - Women on the Water - Sailing - Become a captain - Captain - Sailing lessons

Instructor Qualification (ASA 204)

St Augustine Sailing - ASA Sailing Class - Sailing School - Northeast Florida - Become a sailor - Women on the Water - Sailing - Become a captain - Captain - Sailing lessons

Instructor Qualification (ASA 205)

St Augustine Sailing - ASA Sailing Class - Sailing School - Northeast Florida - Become a sailor - Women on the Water - Sailing - Become a captain - Captain - Sailing lessons

Instructor Qualification (ASA 214)

Sunset sailing - St Augustine Sailing - ASA Sailing Class - Sailing School - Northeast Florida - Become a sailor

Instructor Qualification (ASA 218)

Sunset sailing - St Augustine Sailing - ASA Sailing Class - Sailing School - Northeast Florida - Moored during sunset - Become a sailor

St Augustine Sailing invites all veterans and active military personnel to share our passion for sailing by offering a 10% discount on our ASA Sailing Courses.

St Augustine Sailing invites all veterans and active military personnel to share our passion for sailing by offering a 10% discount on our ASA Sailing Courses.

American Sailing Association (ASA) established certification courses for qualified sailors are based on internationally recognized standards of boating safety and competence. By establishing national standards for sailing education, the ASA has provided a way for more people to take part in the sport safely, with the proper training and respect for their responsibilities as boaters, enduring that sailing will be safer, smarter, and more fun for everybody. St Augustine Sailing is pleased to be able to award ASA certificates to qualifying students for several levels from Basic Keelboat all the way to Offshore Passage-making.

American Sailing Association (ASA) established certification courses for qualified sailors are based on internationally recognized standards of boating safety and competence. By establishing national standards for sailing education, the ASA has provided a way for more people to take part in the sport safely, with the proper training and respect for their responsibilities as boaters, enduring that sailing will be safer, smarter, and more fun for everybody. St Augustine Sailing is pleased to be able to award ASA certificates to qualifying students for several levels from Basic Keelboat all the way to Offshore Passage-making.